Kindergarten: English Lesson Plan-Sounds of the Letters

English Lesson Plan-Sounds of the Letters

Topic: Sounds of the Letters

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the sounds of the letters of the alphabet.


  • Alphabet cards (or actual letters if available)
  • Writing paper
  • Pencils


  • Have students stretch their muscles by doing some light physical exercises, such as jumping jacks or stretching.
  • Ask students to think of some words that start with the letter of their choice, and write them down on a piece of paper.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the letter of the week to the students.
  • Show the students the picture cards of the corresponding letter, and have them identify the letter by saying its name and making the corresponding sound.
  • Have the students repeat the name and sound after you.
  • Have students make the sound of the letter as you point to it on the chart/book.

Guided Practice

  • Next, have the students work in pairs to find and identify the letters in a word or sentence.
  • Have each pair show their work to the class and share what they found.
  • Have the students make the sound of the letters they find.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a word or sentence and write about the sounds of the letters in their chosen word or sentence.
  • Have the students illustrate their work and present it to the class.


  • Review the sounds of the letters and the words that contain those sounds.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned about sounds of the letters today.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the sounds of the letters.
  • Collect and review their writing to assess their ability to write words that contain the sounds of the letters.
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