Kindergarten: English Lesson Plan-Adjectives

English Lesson Plan-Adjectives

Topic: Adjectives

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and use adjectives in their writing and speaking.


  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Adjective cards (cards with adjectives written on them, such as “happy,” “smiling,” “excited,” “angry,” “sad,” “frustrated,” etc.)


  • Ask students to think of a person or thing that they recently encountered that made them feel a certain way (e.g. “I saw a dog at the park today and he made me very happy”). Have students share their examples with the class.
  • Review the different feelings that the students mentioned (happy, excited, angry, sad, frustrated, etc.) and ask the students to think of more examples of each emotion.
  • Write the emotions on the board and ask the students to guess what each word means.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of adjectives to the students and provide examples of adjectives (e.g. “This apple is red, the sky is blue, and my sister is kind.”).
  • Explain that adjectives are words that describe a person or thing and help us to understand more about them.
  • Review the emotions from the warm-up activity and have the students identify the corresponding adjectives (e.g. “happy” for “happy,” “excited” for “excited,” “angry” for “angry,” etc.).
  • Have students work in pairs to find adjectives to describe a person or thing that the partner chooses (e.g. “This apple is red, the sky is blue, and my sister is kind.”).

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a list of adjectives and have them work in small groups to come up with as many adjectives as they can to describe a person or thing (e.g. “happy,” “excited,” “kind,” “smart,” etc.).
  • Have each group share their adjectives with the class and discuss as a group how each adjective helps them to understand more about the person or thing they are describing.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a worksheet containing a variety of nouns and have them identify the adjectives that best describe each noun.
  • Encourage students to use pronouns (e.g. “it” for a noun, “he” for a noun) when describing the nouns.


  • Have students share their completed worksheets with a partner.
  • Review the importance of adjectives and how they add more details to a noun.


  • Observe students during independent practice and take note of their ability to identify and use adjectives in their sentences.
  • Collect and review their completed worksheets to assess their understanding of the concept.
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